Saturday was my Along's open house. By unwritten and unspoken agreement, my sisters and I back each other up during our respective house functions. The host gets to entertain her guests, and the other sisters make sure that the buffet table is always replenished. That way the host doesn't have to worry if her gulais and lemang and nasi impit and satay and mee kari are running low. She knows my Angah, SIL and I will be going around from kitchen to table to make sure everything is topped up. Along just mingles with her guests. My Bro-in-law, whom we call Bang Rong, also had his siblings and they helped out too. Mid way through the afternoon, we ran out of fried chicken. Luckily our chicken man from the market was still at his store and he quickly hopped on his motor and delivered what was left of his stock for the day (it was already 1pm by then). Chickenman saved the day! The rest of the day was a blur of more guests and more replenishing. We left her place after maghrib just as the last couple were about to eat. By then her kitchen was already clear and all that was required was to clean the stuff on the dining table.
On Sunday, we went to my aunt and our surau's Imam's. Later that night, amazing A went over to my sister's house to pick up precious Chik (who had followed his cousins to their house after my Aunt's place) and to watch the Liverpool-Chelsea game. He came back a happy man with Liverpool beatng Chelsea!
On Monday we hosted some of precious Girl's friends. And later in the afternoon, we had a few good friends of ours come over for tea. I cooked lodeh, nasi impit, mee kungfu, mee tulang and baked cupcakes. We had some lemang and chicken rendang from my Along's place. And my angah came with her family bearing divine chocolate chip croissant (instead of regular bread) pudding! By the time everyone left it was nearly maghrib and we were all exhausted but very happy.
Now to head back to the gym to burn all that raya food....
ps: oh no! it's not over! We've been invited to a "majlis hari raya" this sunday! Where got syawal lagi.. :-)