The raya perparations are in full swing. Balik kampung for us is here in Petaling Jaya. Both my parents and my in-laws are here. In fact they live less than a km from each other, straight road, with one set of traffic lights in between. First day raya is an up-down-up-down day for us as we shuttle between the two homes!
This year, preparations at my parents (Uwan & Atok to the precious 4) are a little subduded. Uwan hurt her back a few days ago and can hardly move for the pain. Have taken her to the doctors and rest is the main remedy. So we've told her that she can only be mandor. Have been going to the pasar for her these past two days. Tomorrow, together with the precious 4 and Kak P, our helper, we'll be going to vacumm and lap tigkap the whole house for them. I think Atok might even get the precious boys to help him paint the pagar.
Baju raya all washed and ironed waiting to be worn come 1st Syawal. Had to get new baju melayu for the precious boys this year as they've outgrown last years', especially Abang, who's now only 2 sizes smaller than his Papa. Went to Wisma Yakin to get them. Same shop we've been going to for the past 10 years, if not more. InsyaAllah, we'll all be in blue. Precious Girl and her mama's baju was ready a month before Ramadhan. A ploy to get the tailor to finish the baju without rushing and also to spread the ringgit outfllow ;-)
After Raya, it'll be PMR, so precious Girl is not celebrating just yet ;-). But come malam Raya, we'll all be at Uwan & Atok's for the annual neighbourhood takbir rounds and a spot of bunga api. Ahh... definitely something to look forward to each year.
I'd like to say "take care" to those who are gracious enough to come to this blog, and have a happy holiday.
To my Muslim friends in blogland, Selamat menyambut Aidil Fitri. Pohon maaf zahir dan batin.
image from : nizam83.files.wordpress.com
hello orang kampung! hehehe...
like you, my raya will be in and around PJ. having spent raya here my entire life, its as good as raya in kampung as claimed by many, if not better!
have a good raya to you, Mr precious and the precious 4. maaf zahir dan batin, ikhlas dari org PJ kepada org PJ.
Orang PJ!
Thanks for dropping by. Enjoy our kampung's peace and quiet these next few days.
Maaf zahir batin to you too and have a wonderful raya with your loved ones.
Take care kerpie.
Kak Lala, so your kampung will be more peaceful these next few days, eh? Tak pe, janji ada jugak kampung!!
Your precious ones are so rajin! Hope the painting part tu sempat lah ya. Nervous pulak dengar!!
Have a wonderful time this Raya shuttling to and fro!! Serupa lah kita...nasib orang kahwin dekat2!!
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir batin
Tati@Ms Hart,
In the end they were put to work polishing the sudu garfu and moving the furniture around. Tak jadi mengecat. Phew!
Cikgu KTN,
Salam Aidil Fitri and maaf zahir batin. Thanks for dropping by.
k lala( this is after tati @ms hart confirm),
kita serupa le... shuttle between bukit damansara and subang jaya...
selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin
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