Thursday, August 21, 2008

Time for goodbyes and yet the heart still hopes

On monday, just as we were finishing up Chik's birthday lunch, a call came through my handphone. A dear friend had left us. Her battle with the dreaded cancer was over. Allah loves her. To suffer a third round was difficult and yet she remained cheerful till the end. We had gone on the Hajj together, and as is usual with those that share such an amazing journey together, we were bound by a deeper friendship. And just now, another phone call. Another dear friend, this time of our parents (both A and mine) had lost her battle with the C. When she left, she was surrounded by family and dearest friends, a testament to the lovely person she was. Allah knows best. May their souls rest with the sahabah, shuhadah and the solehin.

At the same time, the daughter of my dearest friend is facing her battle. Only 14 and yet shouldering the burden and pain that would cripple someone many times older than her. And a mother that stays strong for her daughter. My heart bleeds for them and yet I am so proud of them too. They inspire me. They are in my thoughts and prayers constantly and my heart hopes that Allah grants us another miracle..


shaz said...

Innalillah, peringatan kepada kita yg masih always be thankful with what we have.

4theprecious4 said...

How very true dear.
Take care!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss. Just like them, we are all heading for eternity.

Semoga roh2 mereka dicucuri rahmat. Amin.

4theprecious4 said...

Thanks for dropping by and for your thoughts.
Incidently, they were both neighbours..