Have called the kindy to inform them, especially since he was at school yesterday. Apparently two other kids are home with the chook pox too. Also called up siblings as we all spent the weekend together. Some of the nieces and nephews haven't gotten it yet.
Now to go to the mall to get him some stuff to distract him from the itch.
Kesian precious J.
must be a real misery for precious J. wishing him a speedy recovery. thanks for crossing over and welcome to the blogging world!
Thanks for the wishes. He's a real trooper, not complaining much. Power Rangers and Ben 10 keeping him company.
Poor little J, i also had that green leaves in my bed when i was down with the pox, tak ingat dah daun apa, but it kept the itchiness away. Good luck to mama yg kena menjaga J.
Thanks. He was given the anti-viral so his symptoms are not too severe. He can't wait to get back to school ;)
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