Precious J has a “rash”,.. or rather it looks like a rash to us. A few red dots on his upper body. It started out with a small watery bump on his neck which then grew bigger and is now scabbing. That was two days ago. Then today these new dots appeared. Could it be chicken pox? He was kinda feverish a few days ago, and he has a slight runny nose. I guess we just have to wait and see…
Girl and Abang have both had the chook pox so insyaAllah, they'll be ok. With UPSR only 2 weeks away, mama is nervous. Girl had her CP when Abang was born and because of that, we came home from the hospital as soon as possible so that she could see her much awaited little brother. Abang was protected by my antibodies since he was fully breastfed and mama had been bitten by the chook some time back.
When mama had the CP, it was during my summer holidays. I was back home from uni and my Along had just delivered her first child (also Uwan and Atok's first cucu!) So there was the two of us in confinement upstairs. My Along was still living in our parents house at that time and the two of us kept each other company since we were forbidden from going downstairs. One thing about getting the pox when you're older is that it's usually more severe! My whole body felt like it was covered with the blisters. My mom made a concoction from some le
aves and kapur to be spread all over me to keep the itchiness away and reduce scarring, and as a result, I was referred to as Mak L Green Spot (thank goodness the nickname didn't stick!) I was even given some leaves to sleep on! It was a truly horrible time. Thank goodness A had gone back to his university (he was back for winter break - we were studying in different hemispheres) and was spared from seeing me look like a green spotted alien. Even my favourite aunty said I looked real bad.... But alhamdulillah, mama survived relatively unscarred. That green stuff must've worked.
So we'll wait to see if the chicken really did bite precious J, and in the mean time, J gets to stay home and watch cartoons instead of going to kindy. And mama wonders if uwan remembers what those leaves were....