Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The chicken has landed
Have called the kindy to inform them, especially since he was at school yesterday. Apparently two other kids are home with the chook pox too. Also called up siblings as we all spent the weekend together. Some of the nieces and nephews haven't gotten it yet.
Now to go to the mall to get him some stuff to distract him from the itch.
Kesian precious J.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Bitten by the Chicken?
Precious J has a “rash”,.. or rather it looks like a rash to us. A few red dots on his upper body. It started out with a small watery bump on his neck which then grew bigger and is now scabbing. That was two days ago. Then today these new dots appeared. Could it be chicken pox? He was kinda feverish a few days ago, and he has a slight runny nose. I guess we just have to wait and see…
Girl and Abang have both had the chook pox so insyaAllah, they'll be ok. With UPSR only 2 weeks away, mama is nervous. Girl had her CP when Abang was born and because of that, we came home from the hospital as soon as possible so that she could see her much awaited little brother. Abang was protected by my antibodies since he was fully breastfed and mama had been bitten by the chook some time back.
When mama had the CP, it was during my summer holidays. I was back home from uni and my Along had just delivered her first child (also Uwan and Atok's first cucu!) So there was the two of us in confinement upstairs. My Along was still living in our parents house at that time and the two of us kept each other company since we were forbidden from going downstairs. One thing about getting the pox when you're older is that it's usually more severe! My whole body felt like it was covered with the blisters. My mom made a concoction from some leaves and kapur to be spread all over me to keep the itchiness away and reduce scarring, and as a result, I was referred to as Mak L Green Spot (thank goodness the nickname didn't stick!) I was even given some leaves to sleep on! It was a truly horrible time. Thank goodness A had gone back to his university (he was back for winter break - we were studying in different hemispheres) and was spared from seeing me look like a green spotted alien. Even my favourite aunty said I looked real bad.... But alhamdulillah, mama survived relatively unscarred. That green stuff must've worked.
So we'll wait to see if the chicken really did bite precious J, and in the mean time, J gets to stay home and watch cartoons instead of going to kindy. And mama wonders if uwan remembers what those leaves were....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Time for goodbyes and yet the heart still hopes
At the same time, the daughter of my dearest friend is facing her battle. Only 14 and yet shouldering the burden and pain that would cripple someone many times older than her. And a mother that stays strong for her daughter. My heart bleeds for them and yet I am so proud of them too. They inspire me. They are in my thoughts and prayers constantly and my heart hopes that Allah grants us another miracle..
Monday, August 18, 2008
Chik is 8 today
As a baby, Chik was easy to look after. I was without a helper at that time (the new girl ran away in the middle of the night after only 3 weeks, and left the 2 kids by themselves as A and I were out having supper with friends - but that's another story) and after a temporary helper during my confinement, we were on our own. Girl and Abang were in kindy and so Chik was my constant companion. He'd sit in his bassinet/rocker/baby seat while I went about with the chores. He also spent a lot of time in the car with me coz I'd have to take him everytime I go out. He'd sleep peacefully in his car seat as I drove to pick up Girl and Abang or went to get the groceries. Till today, Chik can't help but fall asleep the moment he gets into the car, even if it's a short ride to Uwan/Atok or Tok Ma/Tok Pa's house!
Chik is also the sanguine in the family. He's always cheerful and sunny and is constantly chattering away (sometimes to Girl and Abang's annoyance) He takes a long time to finish his meals (to Mama's annoyance!) but he's very kind and thoughtful. Nowdays he has J as his shadow and eventhough sometimes they get on each others nerves, they are such good pals, it warms mama's heart.
He says that he wants to be a scientist/doctor when he grows up. Mama just prays that Allah grants him the best. May he always be in Allah's blessings and may he always be guided on the right path. Amin
Happy 8th birthday precious Chik!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Trials and butterflies
Abang's UPSR trials also start tommorrow. More butterflies.
The thing is, when mama had her trials, I was away in boarding school. We didn't have our maks worrying about us in the flesh (although I'm sure they were worried about us anyways) When we sat for our exams, we had our friends for support. Even if you didn't feel like studying, you did anyway, coz you could see TT, the best student of the batch, study. When others are walking around with their buku Delta, you whip yours out too.
But precious Girl studies alone in her room. The door is more often than not, closed and her mama wonders if she's really studying or reading that mangga for the umpteenth time. Truth of the matter is, mama has to have faith. We've given her all the tools she needs (books, tuition, and mentors) and the rest is up to her. InsyaAllah, all will be fine.
And at the end of the day, mama knows that Girl has come a long way. From the trials that she faced in her early years, to where she is today, her mama is very proud of her. And thanks Allah always for the precious 4
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Memories, musings and more...
When your other half puts into words what you have been thinking for sometime now, it's a good indication that now's the time to start.
Why now?
Because the precious 4 are getting older and their mama is getting .... not young anymore ;-)
And who are the precious 4? Girl, Abang, Chik and J, our princess and the 3 heroes. And of course, the other half, the amazing A.
So here's hoping that mama will remember as much as possible (long term memory and short term memory both starting to go...) and that you'll enjoy my trip up and down the lane. To learn from my mistakes and to surpass my .... achievements.
Precious 4, I am blessed to be entrusted with you.