Monday, September 8, 2008


Abang starts his UPSR exams tommorrow.

InsyaAllah all will be well. Mama prays that Allah will terangkan hati, tajamkan fikiran, tenangkan perasaan so that Abang can achieve the very best. Amin.

Good luck to all the UPSR candidates out there... and to their mamas too.


Anonymous said...

HI La!

Stumbled onto your blog through shaz's. Good both to you and abang... selamat menjalani ibadah berpuasa..


4theprecious4 said...

Thanks for the wishes. InsyaAllah he'll be ok. Mama dia yang dok sakit dada ;)

Anonymous said...

i wanted to relate my experience last year when my daughter sat for her UPSR.....all the mamas mengelabah kat sekolah masa the kids buat exam....u can say kiasu pun ada gak.....and the worst part masa ambil get yourself prepared for that as well.
good luck to abang and also the mom...


4theprecious4 said...

Thanks for the wishes. :)